Many veterans leaving their branch of service find it difficult to return to civilian life and that transition can bring up many difficult things for them. We have friends and family members who have dealt with this transition so this is a matter close to our hearts and mission. In this article we will link to local resources to provide a guide for veteran services.
Local resources in Lee County Florida:
Lee County Veteran Assistance Programs: Link
Phone: (239) 533-8381
- Help with general question when you transition out of service
- Provides guides to VA benefits
- Links to Local Healthcare Systems
- Crisis Hotlines
- Death Benefits
- Pension Aid & Attendance
Lee County VA Clinic: Link
Phone: 239-652-1800
Mental health care: 239-652-1800 x21373
- Many healthcare services offered at this location in Cape Coral, FL and offered 6 days a week. They also have a pharmacy and provide many specialized care options including mental health services.
Fort Myers Vet Center: Link
Phone: (239) 652-1861
- Vet Centers are small non-medical treatment centers that focus on mental health counseling centers.
- Offer in-person or online (Telehealth) appointments for all who are found eligible (also listed in the website).
Veterans Choice Program: Link
VA Choice Program Call Center: (866) 606-8198
- Since late 2014, veterans have a choice to be seen at the VA or in a community provider. The VA provides care to Veterans and there dependents through community providers when VA cannot provide the care needed.
- Here is a link about what you should know about this program and how to utilize it.
Mission United: Link
Phone: 2-1-1 or (239) 433-3900
Florida Veterans Support Line: (844) 693-5838
- This is a comprehensive Information and Referral program for the often fragmented and complicated systems for veterans services.
- Florida Veterans support line is a helpline where veterans can receive both emotional support and referrals to community resources.
Hearts and Homes for Veterans: Link
Phone: (239) 674-1719
- These services are providing practical assistance like housing, furniture, food assistance, appliances, personal hygiene, and many other services. They complete an intake and gather some documentation in order to qualify you for there services.
Home Base Florida: Link
Phone: (239) 338-8389
- Linking veterans to local mental health centers with specialized training to help vets be successful. This is a collaboration with Lee Health and David Lawrence Center.
- They also provide wellness programs to veteran’s and all these services are Free!
Community Cooperative Soup Kitchen: Link
Phone: (239) 332-7687
Volunteer Services: (239) 332-0441
- They offer Mobile Food Pantry at the Cape Coral VA and provide food to others at there other locations in Lee County.